
Today, I will join the technosphere in honoring the late, the great Steve Jobs. After all, he did streamline the original square box o’ wonder into something people could feasibly take out in public …

Would you be embarrassed or what?

… And he did it while being an insecure hippie kid a total babe.

He also once said, “It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the Navy.”

I can’t say that I will wear a black mock turtleneck or Levi’s 501 in your honor, Captain Jobs (in fact, I can pretty much guarantee that I won’t), but I will wholeheartedly follow your lead and take on the world pirate-style.

Xoxo First Mate Lethal

2 thoughts on “iTribute

  1. fyi ’twas a cube-not a square-boxowonder. we live in a 3-D world, or at least most of us do some of the time. (Why does everything circle back to St. Jobs of the Pomme?)

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